Saturday, April 9, 2016

Nicotine Smoking Health Problems

Stop Nicotine Smoking
Smoking killed and still killing people all over the world, more than many disasters, illnesses and other addictions like alcohol and even more than all traffic accidents, all combined together. This killing addiction, causes, for sure, big health issues such as cancers, breathing issues, dental illnesses, heart attacks, and even sex and reproductive problems, and also bone and skin problems. The list is limitless, as the science discovers, everyday, new problems caused by smoking.

Secondhand smoke, which refers to breathing smoke from a burning cigarette, of a friend or a member of the family, harms deeply the health of others, and statistics mentioned that more than 50000 people die each year, due to this so called secondhand smoke, as well.

 Is Secondhand Smoke a Real Problem?

People having breathing problems, heart issues or even children, are the most in danger, when we talk about secondhand smoke, which had really dangerous chemicals and poisons in it; it can cause, for the others in no time, heart problems, blood vessel problems and many other diseases.

 Safe your children from your smoke

You may know that children exposed to your smoke, are 3 times likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), because of your smoking, babies and children are more likely to get ear infections, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and other lung infections.
And the worst is, these children are more likely to be smokers, them selves, in the future.

 How can I protect myself and others from secondhand smoke?

 - make the places around you smoke free.
 - Ask smokers not to smoke in your place or around you and your children.
 - Ask your work boss to ban smoking inside the work place.
 - Stay away you and your children from places where smoking is allowed.

And if you are still smoking, and waiting to get to the quitting for good, please smoke outside and away from others.

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