
Stop Nicotine Smoking

First of all, I want to thank everyone who is reading by this humble blog. Thank You All !
My wish through setting up this blog, is to share, study, and learn about our several experiences, regarding how to stop nicotine smoking. Surely everyone, who could quit smoking, has a different experience, and surely has different tips to provide for others, to help them stop the bad addiction we are talking about here on this site.
we all care about our health, and everyone who is still smoking must put an end to this bad habit. Pregnant women, should think about the health of their future babies, young people should keep fit and healthy for the best of their lives. We should ask our selves, always, why we are still keeping smoking, and bringing back dangerous diseases to our health?
I know, we need motivation, and help from the closest friends and members of families to walk through this journey, which, possibly could be a long one for some of us.
But, we are today here to help each others for better life, full of joy health and happiness; and of course without nicotine and all its bad results.
We are very glad to welcome all of those struggling with smoking cessation, and had try once or more to stop, but in vain. Quitting cigarettes, needs to be strong and surrounded by people who will give support and advice to reach the goal and to chase this nightmare.
Welcome again, all of you, and with your support of coming visiting us here, you will find the very solution you're looking for since long time ago. You may also share with us everything regarding your experiences and your fighting against this evil.
Good Luck!