Thursday, April 14, 2016

What is addiction? And why it is hard to stop nicotine smoking?

Addiction is the loss of control when you are using a drug. Nicotine is the substance in your cigarette which causes you to be addicted to it, and when a person smokes, nicotine gets into his brain as quickly after every puff, and cigarettes companies plays with nicotine levels in each cigarette to make more smokers in this world, and more money for them of course.
It is hard to stop smoking, when you are in the middle of the addiction, and there are main three factors which you may know before starting your plan to quit. Emotional, behavioral and the physical reason. 

The emotional reason:  is about your feeling when you are enjoying a cigarette and what are you really thinking about it and what are your beliefs about using it.

The behavioral reason: is about your action and respond towards the time you feel that you want to smoke and your respond towards the places too; like if you enter to a bar and instantly think about a cigarette as a respond to your existence in this place.

The physical reason: is about your body needing nicotine contains in tobacco.

And the smoker lives in a vicious cycle which is represented down in this diagram.

 What are the four essential practices to stop nicotine smoking for good?

Every smoker should think about his health and must know that is the best to do for him and his family too. These four practices are based on 25 years of search and they have helped thousands of people to quit for life.

Practice 1: quit at your own pace, by choosing the best time to start your quitting plan.
Practice 2: control you urge to smoke, and manage your stress without the need of smoking gain.
Practice 3: use the right medicine like nicotine patch, nicotine gum etc, if this is a must to do.
Practice 4: you must put in your mind that you don’t just need to quit, but you have to become a non smoker forever. And you will be educated on how to manage you weight gain after stopping smoking.

We will go step by step through these four practices, to help you reach the ultimate goal, which is becoming non smoker for life, and enjoy a healthier life surrounded by your family and friends...

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