Saturday, April 2, 2016

Fighting Nicotine Smoking

Hello friends, this is the first post on this blog, and I hope it will give us, more energy to come with really useful and valuable content, concerning the issue, we are building this blog for, which is How to stop nicotine smoking for good.
We all know that nicotine smoking, is a real nightmare, and everyone who is, actually a smoker, should accept that he/she is living with a killing addiction, which should be stopped very sooner. We always get great results for our problem, first when we accept that we are actually concerned, and we have serious problem with it, in our lives. This should be the first step in this journey, which will end up, GOD WILLING, by stopping smoking.
We will come up with ideas to help each others, to keep smoking away from our life, and the lives of our beloved families and friends. Every positive experience, from former smokers, is always welcome, and this place is for sharing such useful things, and of course, from our side, we will walk you step by step through sure paths to set your self free from addiction.
There are tons of ideas to experience, and they are not all suitable for everyone, but some of them will bring great results for some of us, and everyone should be serious and have a strong will power to try till he/she will get the ultimate result.

Why we should quit today before tomorrow? 


It's not a rocket science, it's obvious that smoking is a sure enemy and a killer, and millions of people in United States and every where in this planet, die because of cigarettes, every year. But addiction make people, continue till they end their precious lives. Why? because, they didn't had enough will power, they didn't had friends supports, or simply because they didn't want to accept that they are living in big trouble.

What a person should be to succeed in quitting smoking for good?


Every one of us, chain or casual smoker should :
  • Be brave enough to accept that he / she is in real addiction.
  • Have enough will power to quit sooner.
  • Accept that the journey could take a small or a long time.
  • Not give up quickly.
  • Accept any advice and take it for serious, to experiment what others did to get real results.
  • Give us a feed back, to know deeply the situation.
Anyway, we are only in our first step, and we will try to work hard to get into every details in the future.

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